1912 N. Division St #200, spokane, wa 99207
phone: (509) 455-9410, 1-800-841-0630 | fax: (509) 326-9507
Union Dues are due on or before the first day of the month and must be paid on or before the last business day of that month.
Any member who shall be three (3) months in arrears in the payment of dues, fines, assessments, or other charges, shall automatically stand suspended at the end of the third month, and shall not be entitled to any rights or privileges of membership.
Dues payments may be made in person or by mail to:
Teamsters Local Union No. 690
1912 N Division St, Ste 200
Spokane WA 99207-2286
If you don’t know how much you owe, please call the union
at 509-455-9410 or 800-841-0630
(Per the International Constitution Article X, Section 5)